Sample source code license agreement
Sample source code license agreement

sample source code license agreement

In addition to licensing software code for end use, commercial development and distribution, the TLO licenses unpolished code for non-commercial research and/or academic purposes and also assists authors in distributing software via open source licenses.

sample source code license agreement sample source code license agreement

The TLO assists authors and inventors in licensing software under a variety of licensing types and distribution strategies. It is possible to protect some software under both copyright and patent law, and the TLO will assist in determining the most appropriate form of protection. A patent conveys the right to prevent others from making using, selling or importing a program that performs the same function or process as the patented software, even if the code is entirely different from the patented software. In the case of software, copyright protects the source and object code, but only protects the code as it is written. In general terms, a patent protects an idea and a copyright protects an expression of an idea. Copyright Office.įor more information on copyright, United States Copyright Office Copyright Basics Guidebook is an excellent resource. Copyright protection is available for original works from the moment they are created in a tangible medium, and it applies whether they are published, unpublished or registered with the U.S. IP Considerations for MIT $100K CompetitorsĪ copyright grants authors/creators the legal right to exclude others from copying, licensing, and otherwise exploiting original literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.Inventions and Proprietary Information Agreement (IPIA).Disclose & Protect Your Intellectual Property.

Sample source code license agreement